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Removals UK – Handy Hints For a Stress-Free Move
As your removal day looms there is one question everyone asks: ‘what should I be doing to be fully prepared?”
Our UK removals staff have put together the following Handy Hints to answer this question and many others. It is designed to help you and our movers to have a smooth and trouble free day and it will also act as a final checklist on the day before you move.
If Hamiltons have quoted for this service, china, glass, ornaments and books can be left in cupboards and on the shelves ready for our movers to pack.
If you have decided to do your own packing then please make sure that the boxes you use are strong enough to stack safely without risk to contents. Make sure that each box is sealed and contents are not protruding.
You should also think of the number of heavy items placed in each box, (a box or tea chest full of books can be impossible to move even by the strongest member of our movers). Use smaller boxes for heavy items such as books or only half fill larger boxes with heavier items and top up with lighter items.
Self-assembly furniture
Dismantling and re-erection of self-assembly furniture is not covered by Hamiltons standard quotation. We would recommend that these items be dismantled in advance of the removal teams arrival. We can however offer a service to accommodate this, which should be discussed with the surveyor prior to the move.
Lofts & attics
For insurance purposes lofts and attics should be emptied and the contents placed in an accessible room. This ensures the crew can see everything that needs to be moved when they first arrive and prevents anything from being forgotten.
Music, DVD and entertainment equipment
All of this type of equipment is best moved in
its original boxes. Should you still have a record player in your
home the pick up arm of the player should be secured for moving.
Audio, TV and HiFi equipment when not packed in original boxes is
best done in anti static packaging and securely boxed. This service
can be quoted for and provided and should be discussed with surveyor
prior to the move.
Domestic appliances
Our movers are legally forbidden to tamper with
gas, electricity and water mains supply.
All items connected to these should be disconnected prior to the
arrival of our staff, if necessary by a qualified professional.
To avoid unpleasant odours, fridges and freezers should be washed
out with a strong solution of bicarbonate of soda and hot water,
NOT detergent. They should then be dried thoroughly.
Fixture and fittings
Unless agreed otherwise curtains and blinds should
be taken down prior to the arrival of our movers. Pictures and mirrors
need to be wrapped in bubblewrap or similar protection and put in
to a neat stack. Oil or pastel painting should not come into direct
contact with the bubble wrap to avoid possible marking.
Do not place them on, or within another item of furniture.
Carpets and rugs should be rolled and sealed with tape.
Clothing, bedding and linen
All clothing on hangers can remain as we provide special garment carriers on the day into which these clothes can be packed.
Generally, chest of drawers containing clothes can be moved full - please confirm with your surveyor.
All other items of clothing should be packed into
suitcases or boxes (as if preparing for holiday).
Bedding and linen should be packed into boxes or suitably strong
bags, or if crew is packing, beds unmade with bedding folded and
laid out ready to be packed.
Food items
Food items cannot be moved into storage.
When moving directly from one home to another, care should be taken
to ensure that any packets, together with lids or jars and screw
tops of bottles are tightly secured or sealed with sellotape.
If we have given you a quote to remove the content
of a freezer, it should be condensed into the minimum number of
large polythene bags, so that the entire content may be lifted out
in a few seconds. This will reduce the weight lifting the freezer
on and off our lorries and reduce time emptying or refilling the
freezer item by item.
Contents of garages and garden sheds
These should be sorted out well in advance. Discard any rubbish.
Tools should be cleaned and bundled together for ease of carrying.
We will NOT move flammable substances, old tins of paint, creosote, paraffin, matches, gas bottles or similar items, moving such items invalidates the insurance cover you may have in place already or have arranged through us.
Containers or bottles should be securely sealed with sellotape to prevent spillage.
Access to and from the doorway of your home is critical for our
movers and their lorries. Please tell neighbours in advance the
date of your removal so that they are caused the minimum amount
of inconvenience, and may move their own vehicles prior to allow
access for ours.
Please ensure that passageways and stairways inside your house are
left clear for our movers.
Long term storage
Checks are required on domestic appliances which
will be stored longer than three months.
Washing machines and dishwashers must be completely drained of surplus
waste as damp, mildew and seizure of component parts can take place
when these appliances are not used for a length of time.
Please ensure that all personal papers and documents are retained
by yourself. It will prove expensive to open containers to search
for a driving document or passport that is unexpectedly required.
UK Removals - Click here for a free detailed quote of your move or contact us to discuss your individual requirements.