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Removals to Antwerp Belgium | European Removals
For removals to Belgium, Hamiltons' European Removals Department can assist and advise on all aspects of your move. We can provide quotes for residential and commercial removals, as well as the transportation of vehicles, pets and specialist items. Whether you are moving from the UK to Antwerp, or between Belgium and any other European or International destination, we can provide high quality, cost effective removals quotes for most destinations.
Removals to Belgium - click here for full information on our removals to Belgium service, or click here for an instant European removals quote.
About Antwerp
Antwerp on the River Scheldt is Belgium’s second largest city. It is also the second largest harbour in Europe after Rotterdam. Its half million or so inhabitants have named it the 'Metropolis' and with good reason; there is so much to do here. From diamonds to art and from fashion to clubbing, with happening bars and trendy restaurants, Antwerp is Belgium’s capital of cool - the place to see and the place to be seen.
Sixteenth and 17th century gothic and baroque architectures, some of which were, and still are, damaged from the last war, line the streets. They present a dramatic backdrop to the city and may well have been the inspiration behind some of Antwerp’s famed fashion designers, with all their raw edges and inside out seams.
Antwerp’s recent raft of fashion designers, each of them making it onto the world stage, has brought the city under close fashion world scrutiny. The “Metropolis” is no shrinking violet though; she craves attention, courting it, at every opportunity. A visit to the fashion quarter, near the pedestrianised Meir shopping street will bear testament to that.
The old city centre, built around an impressive cathedral, escaped the war unscathed and is as beautiful and intimate now, as it ever was. Tucked away down cobbled lanes and backstreets are numerous restaurants and bars, antique shops, art galleries, designer boutiques, chocolate emporia and of course, diamond shops.
The world’s largest diamond-cutting industry is hiding behind discreet façades in the diamond quarter whilst the sailors quarter, not too far distant, hosts that essential ingredient of any self respecting second city, its red light district.
Antwerp is pulsing with excitement and brimming with culture. Unfettered by the demands made on the country’s capital, the Metropolis is free to express herself and she does so with gusto.
Contact us now to discuss your move or click here for a free removals quote.