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Removals to Belgium | Removals to Brussels | European Removals
For removals to Belgium, Hamiltons' European Removals Department can advice and assist you with all aspects of your move. We provide residential and commercial removal quotes to and from Brussels and the UK as well as most other European and international destinations. We also offer specialist removals and quotes for the transportation of vehicles.
Removals to Belgium - click here for full information on our removals to Belgium service, or click here for an instant European removals quote.
About Brussels
The capital city of Belgium, Brussels is home to the European Parliament, the Council of Ministers and the "government" of the European Union making it also, the “capital city of Europe”. It is here that many far reaching political decisions are made, affecting all of Europe and the rest of the world.
It is fitting then that as a truly European city, it should have not one, but two “official” languages, (French and Dutch) and a very good understanding of English and other European languages too. All of the street signs are written in both French and Dutch and if one of these languages is your first, the likelihood is that English will be your second. This fact alone makes the move from the UK to Belgium and particularly Brussels that much easier.
The city of Brussels has a vibrant, upbeat feel to it with many lively bars and restaurants. One road in particular, the "Petite Rue des Bouchers” or “the little street of butchers” is lined with restaurants, serving up foods from all round the world. This narrow, pedestrianised lane is not wide enough for cars but instead, has examples of the different restaurants fare and their enthusiastic maitre d’s on display to tempt passers by with tastings and their own vivid descriptions.
A few short but aromatic steps from here and you are faced with possibly one of the most wondrous sights in all of Europe, if not the world. The central market square of Brussels is truly a thing of beauty. It inspired Archduchess Isabella, daughter of Spanish King Fillip II to write “Never have I seen something so beautiful and exquisite as the town square of the city where the town hall rises up into the sky. The decoration of the houses is most remarkable"
In 1998 this awe-inspiring collection of buildings and its expansive square was awarded a place on UNESCO’s prestigious World Heritage of Humanity list and if you visit it on August 15th of this year (2010), you’ll see why. Every two years on that date, the entire square, all 1800sqm of it, is carpeted in begonias of every colour. This magnificent spectacle attracts thousands of visitors from all over the world.
Removals to Brussels - Hamiltons specialise in removals to Brussels and most other European destinations. We are a member of the trade association BAR (British Association of Removers), The Road Haulage Association and are BS EN ISO 9001:2000 registered.
Contact us now to discuss your move or click here for a free removals quote.