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Removals to Italy . Moving
to Italy , Italy Removals Company
Relocation to Italy. International Removals. Moving House Overseas
Hamiltons Removals provide weekly removals to Italy including domestic house moves, corporate and commercial removals. We will tailor our removal service to your requirements. Removals to Italy – Click here to read more about our UK to Italy Removals Service. We can also arrange transport from Italy to the UK and between most other European and International destinations.
Moving to Italy
If you are moving to Italy, there is a lot more to consider than choosing a good European removals company. Our guide below provides additional information on obtaining visas and work permits, setting up a business, choosing schools, health care and more. Please note this information is believed to be accurate at the time of printing. Please contact our European removals department to check any details prior to your departure.
Living and Working in Italy: Visa and Work Permits
There are no restrictions imposed on English / EU nationals who wish to work in Italy, and no work permit or visa is required for them to do so. However like France, there is a high unemployment rate, which means that finding a job here can be difficult.
English migrants do have a number of things to their advantage when applying for jobs, such as their fluency in the English language. Also many Italians study well into their late twenties so English applicants often have more job-based experience which can help them succeed at interview.
The main areas open to foreigners include media and communications, tourism, finance and international business. Italian employers expect their employees to be very well qualified and hold at least one degree in a subject relevant to the job. They also expect fluency in Italian, so it is worth studying this before you move.
Nationals moving to Italy from a non-EU country such as America will need to apply for a work permit in order to work here legally. Applications must be sponsored by an Italian company, and take around two months to be processed.
Starting a Business in Italy
Italy is known as the land of small companies, and the Italian culture and economy supports and encourages the creation of small businesses. It can however be hard at the outset to get the company set up, due to Italian bureaucracy and obstructive civil servants. It is particularly hard for non-nationals and the ability to understand Italian well is a must to deal with the many forms you will have to fill in.
You will need to register your business with the tax registrar’s office, registrar of enterprises, the registrar of companies at the local chamber of commerce and the local tax office. It is advisable to employ an agency or notary to assist you with this. It is also important to obtain legal advice before establishing your company, to ensure that you are operating within the law.
Professionals may need to take a routine exam before they are permitted to be listed on the relevant professional register with the chamber of commerce.
The most common types of businesses started in Italy by EU nationals are within the leisure, property and catering industries. Many doctors and dentists also set up practises to serve the expatriate community.
There is a good choice of schooling options available in Italy, including public schools, private schools and English language schools. Free schooling is available to all, even at nursery age and schooling is compulsory between the ages of 6 and 16.
Nursery school (scuola materna) is available for children aged 3 to 5. It is non-compulsory and free to all children except in private schools. Following this, children attend primary school (scuola elementare) between the ages of 6 and 10. Here classes have between 10 and 25 students in them and the curriculum includes Italian, English, Geography, History, Maths, Science, Technology, Music, Art, Physical Education, Information Technology and Religion.
After primary school, students go on to attend secondary school level one (scuola media) between the ages of 11-14 and secondary school level two (scuola superiore, liceo) from 14 onwards. The curriculum during these phases remains much the same with the addition of an extra international language.
Private schools are run mostly by religious orders and cater for children who have disciplinary problems or find it hard to concentrate. There are one or two that are different to this, in that they cater to highly gifted children and charge very high fees for attendance.
English language schools are the most popular choice of schooling for the children of expatriates and many Italian families also attend them. There are international schools in all of Italy’s major cities, some with a better reputation than others. Go to www.intoitaly.it for a complete listing.
The national health system of Italy provides healthcare to all EU nationals and is relatively inexpensive. It covers the majority of treatment including visits to the doctor, tests, medication, surgery and stays in hospital. To get set up, go to the nearest local health authorities (Azienda SanitELocale) and register with a doctor. You will then receive a health card and number.
There is a wide difference between the standard of facilities provided by public and private hospitals in Italy. Italy’s private hospitals offer an equivalent level of care to those in the UK, and are extremely pleasant and comfortable. Italy’s public hospitals can be grim, particularly in the South and provide a much lower level of comfort than most Northern Europeans expect. It is for this reason that most expatriates living in Italy take out health care insurance to pay for private treatment when needed. This also helps avoid lengthy waiting times.
Removals to Italy – contact us now to discuss your move.