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International Removals to Turkey | Moving House to Turkey | Overseas Moving Service
International removals to Turkey: Hamiltons Removals are specialists in international removals and overseas house moves. If you are moving to Turkey from the UK, or back the other way, we can provide you with an extremely competitive international removals quote. We also provide removals quotes to and from most other European and international destinations.
International Removals to Turkey – click here for a free online quote of your move. Or call us now on 01379 855203 to discuss your removal requirements.
We provide various levels of removals to Turkey, to suit different requirements. Our basic service includes the shipping of your personal effects only. This can be enhanced with packing and unpacking services, cleaning and transportation of vehicles, pets and specialist equipment.
We provide removals to all of the provinces of Turkey: Adana,
Adiyaman, Afyonkarahisar, Agri, Aksaray, Amasya, Ankara, Antalya,
Ardahan, Artvin, Aydin, Balikesir, Bartin, Batman, Bayburt, Bilecik,
Bingol, Bitlis, Bolu, Burdur, Bursa, Canakkale, Cankiri, Corum,
Denizli, Diyarbakir, Duzce, Edirne, Elazig, Erzincan, Erzurum,
Eskisehir, Gaziantep, Giresun, Gumushane, Hakkari, Hatay, Icel,
Igdir, Isparta, Istanbul, Izmir, Kahramanmaras, Karabuk, Karaman,
Kars, Kastamonu, Kayseri, Kilis, Kirikkale, Kirklareli, Kirsehir,
Kocaeli, Konya, Kutahya, Malatya, Manisa, Mardin, Mugla, Mus, Nevsehir,
Nigde, Ordu, Osmaniye, Rize, Sakarya, Samsun, Sanliurfa, Siirt,
Sinop, Sirnak, Sivas, Tekirdag, Tokat, Trabzon (Trebizond), Tunceli,
Usak, Van, Yalova, Yozgat, Zonguldak.
Popular cities in Turkey that we ship to include: Istanbul, Ankara, İzmir,
Bursa, Adana, Gaziantep, Konya, Antalya, Kayseri, Mersin, Diyarbakır,
Eskişehir, Şanlıurfa, Samsun, Malatya, Adapazarı,
Kahramanmaraş, Erzurum, Esenyurt and Van.
About Turkey
Turkey, officially known as the Republic of Turkey, is bordered by eight countries, which include Greece, Bulgaria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iran, Iraq and Syria. Located on the borders of both Europe and Asia, Turkey has a unique culture, blending aspects from the East and West. Although not yet a part of the EU, Turkey began full membership negotiations in 2005, and has been an associate member of the EEC since 1963.
The four largest cities in Turkey are Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir and Bursar.
Istanbul is located in the North West of Turkey. The city covers an area of approximately 700 square miles and is Turkey’s financial centre. The city is accessed via two international airports, as well as the Trans European Motorway.
It is a colourful city to visit, with world-class music performances, art and exhibitions. The Istanbul film festival is one of the most important film festivals in Europe.
Ankara is the capitol of Turkey and is situated upon a hill, with a mean elevation of 850 metres. It is located approximately 350 metres south east of Istanbul. Known as an important industrial and commercial city, it is famous for mohair wool, the Angora cat and the Ankara Citadel and its Roman architecture.Izmir
Izmir is Turkey’s third largest city and second largest port. The city is 855 square kilometres and is located to the west of the country. The main sites to visit in Izmir include the tomb of Tantalus, the Agora Open Air Museum of İzmir and the Clock Tower of Izmir harbor.
Bursar is located in Northwestern Turkey, and is known for its green spaces, industrial activities and vibrant culture. Many cars are made in Bursar, including Fiat, Renault and Bosch. It is a wonderful place to visit, with many beaches, hot springs, mosques, palaces and museums.
Adana is the fourth largest city in Turkey, nestling in a fertile agricultural area which is irrigated by the Seyhan River. The city boasts a number of ancient Mosques and a clock tower dating back to 1882 as well as some fine museums. There are a number of tea houses and restaurants alongside the Seyhan Dam and the lake and many of these eateries will serve up the famous Adana kebap.
Removals to Adana – click here for a detailed quote
Gaziantep is a city in south-eastern Anatolia. It is the sixth largest city in Turkey and an important trade location as it connects Southeast Anatolia to the West with its highways, railways and international airport. The land is very fertile, leading to the production and export of high value foodstuffs like pistachio nuts, olives, grapes, red peppers, flax, lentils, and cereals such as wheat and barley.
Removals to Gaziantep – click here for a detailed quote
International Removals to Turkey – click here for a free online quote of your move. Or call us now on 01379 855203 to discuss your removal requirements.
Useful Information
Customs information for TurkeyGuide
Guide to living in Turkey
Removals to Istanbul | Removals to Bursa | Removals to Adana | Removals to Ankara
Removals to Izmir