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International Removals to USA . Moving to America . Moving House Overseas
If you are moving to America, there is a lot more to consider than choosing an international removals service. As well as arranging removals to USA locations, Hamiltons aim to make your move easier by providing information about your new home before you leave. Our relocation guide below provides additional information on choosing schools, working abroad, sorting your finances and more. Please note this information is believed to be accurate at the time of writing, but please check with our international removals department prior to your moving date.
Moving to America - click here to read about our removals to USA service.
Moving to America - Visas
There are a number of different visas you can apply for when moving to America from the UK, depending on how long you intend to live there. Temporary work visas allow foreign workers residency for a period of time to live and work. These vary in duration and include Speciality Visas (H1b), Temporary Skilled or Unskilled (H2B), Intracompany Transferees (L1) and Employment Based Preference Visas.
Permanent work visas are allocated to applicants who can make a significant contribution to the country. These are grouped into preference categories, the highest of which is the first preference. This category (EB1) welcomes applications from aliens with extraordinary abilities, investors, outstanding professors and researchers, multinational executives and managers. The second preference category (EB2) is open to applications from people with advanced degrees or those that have exceptional ability in the sciences, arts, or business. The third, fourth and fifth preferences invite skilled workers / professionals, special immigrants including religious ministers and investors who will create employment in the country respectively.
Many of these permanent work visa preference categories are oversubscribed, which means that it can take a number of years for employees to be allocated their visa.
Family visas are also available to certain immediate relatives of American citizens allowing them permanent residency without regard to the preference system of allocation. These are available for an American citizen’s spouse, child and parents.
It is also possible for siblings of American citizens and adult children (over 21) to apply for a family visa under a preference system of allocation.
It is important to ensure that you have a suitable visa in place before arranging your removals to USA.
Removals to USA – click here for a free online quote
Moving to America - Finances
It is important to organise your finances before moving to America so that everything is in place when you arrive. Investigate whether your current bank has a dedicated expatriate division, or consider opening a new account with an American bank such as the Bank of America and Citibank.
Moving to America - Schools
If you are moving to America with children you will need to arrange attendance at a suitable school. Education is compulsory in America, whether it takes place at a public, private, religious or boarding school, by private tutor or home educating. Children are guaranteed public education in their area of residence. To enrol parents need to find out which school district they are in, and then call the school that their address puts the children into and inform them that the children will be attending. There are only small fees associated with attending public schools such as book rental fees.
There are also many excellent private schools, which vary in cost.
Many parents are now choosing to home educate their children in the US to provide them with a more natural method of teaching that is flexible enough to be able to give the child exactly what he or she needs.
Moving to America - Healthcare
American health care is generally paid for through medical insurance although over 47 million Americans currently hold no cover. Without an adequate insurance policy, the cost of medical treatment is very expensive, with even an ambulance ride to hospital costing a few hundred dollars.
On arrival in America you can register with a doctor by finding one locally through the phone book. Or you may see a practice as you drive through your nearest town, as they are usually well marked from the road. To register, you will need to provide details of your medical history and fill in a number of forms.
If you require emergency treatment, it will help considerably if you can take proof of insurance with you. The doctors will generally save your life first and then bill you afterwards and you will be required to pay before you leave. Even with medical insurance cover, you may have to pay part of the fee after receiving treatment.
Prescriptions are also chargeable in the US.
Moving Your Pet
It is possible to take your favourite cat or dog with you to your new home in America. They will need to be given a rabies vaccine six months in advance and checked a month later to ensure immunity has been achieved. They will also need a health certificate issued within ten days of travel. Vaccines should be recorded on a pet passport. Cats and dogs being imported from the UK are not kept in quarantine.
Whilst living in America it is essential to give your animal a rabies booster every eleven months. This will ensure that your pet is allowed to return to the UK with you at any time.
For other animals please check with the American embassy.
Removals to USA – Contact us now to discuss your international removals requirements.
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